what does hold mean on thermostat

What Does Hold Mean on Thermostat? Explained Simply

Discover what does hold mean on thermostat, how it works, and when to use it to maintain your home’s ideal temperature settings

The first time I had an apartment to call my own, I would stare at the thermostat as if it were an alien gadget. Yes, I knew it was meant to control temperature, but what in the world were all the buttons doing there? And amidst all of them, one word seemed to taunt me: Hold. What does hold mean on a thermostat? Why on earth would I ever have to do so?

I didn’t know, though, just how much this little bit could improve productivity and save money in my own life. If you’re reading these words, there’s a chance that you’re trying to figure out the same thing I used to have trouble understanding. So, let’s dive into it so deeply that you can leave here as an HVAC expert.

What is Hold on thermostat?

Let’s start with the basics, shall we? The “Hold” on a thermostat is a choice to override your thermostat schedule. Most thermostats found today are programmable, and they work on a scheduled heating or cooling by the hour. By way of illustration, you can have your thermostat lower the temperature during nighttime when you are asleep or raise it during weekdays when you are away.

The “Hold”, by contrast, allows you to put that schedule on hold and lock in a certain temperature instead. It is similar to setting your thermostat to hold so you have control over the temperature in the meantime. If you’ve been wondering ,what does hold mean on thermostat

 you are not the only one. It is one of those options that is confusing initially but is actually very useful if you know how to use it.

Temporary Hold vs. Permanent Hold

Here is where things get a bit more complicated. Not all holds are equal; thermostats usually have two types of holds:

  1. Temporary Hold

The temporary Temporary hold enables you to adjust the temperature and have it held there until the next programmed time. An example would be if your thermostat is programmed to keep your house 72°F during the day and 68°F in the evening. If you get chilly at 3 p.m., you can use a temporary hold to raise it to 74°F.

Once the later scheduled time arrives (night mode in our case), the thermostat will automatically switch to automatic mode as set. In most instances, you will have the word “Hold” on the screen, accompanied by a countdown as to when it will expire.

Why use a temporary hold? 

Temporary holds are best used when you desire an instantaneous change: 

  • You are at home on what would have been an office day. 
  • The seasons are in the wrong order.
  • You have visitors coming and want the temperature to be particularly comfortable.

2. Permanent Hold 

A permanent hold maintains your preferred temperature unless you change it manually or you reset the schedule. Unlike a temporary hold, it will not expire.

Why to use a permanent hold

There Permanents will work best in the long run if you wish to bypass your schedule completely:

  • You are on holiday and would prefer that the house is kept at an even temperature.
  • Your daily cycle is disrupted, and you desire a constant temperature over an extended duration. 
  • You’ve decided to put energy efficiency on the backburner, so to speak, for the time being (no judgment from me!).

But permanent holds will lead to higher bills if you do not manually restore the schedule. Unless you are firmly determined to have one temperature, a temporary hold is generally the best choice.

How Does the “Run” Button Fit In?

With the “Hold” out of the way, we can deal with the other one of these two best friends: the “Run” button.

The “Run” command is more or less the undo key to your thermostat. What it tells the system to do is to release any temporary or permanent hold and enter into its scheduled mode.

The weather became frigid and you’ve maintained a tight hold on your house keeping it cozy and snug at 72°F. Now, though, the weather is more moderate and you want to get back into conservation mode. All you have to do is press the “Run” button, and your thermostat will be back to business as usual.

Why is Knowing the “Hold” Function so Important

I’ll be truthful, it took some time to value the benefit of the “Hold” mode. I used to think of it as an additional complexity at first. But in time, I realized it’s a game-changer, especially as it pertains to comfort and energy efficiency.

Here is why understanding this aspect is so crucial:

  1. Conserves Energy (and Dollars)

Programmable thermostats will save you energy by maintaining the temperature in sync with your daily routines. But things do not always work out as planned, do they? The “Hold” mode lets you adjust to the unpredictable times without completely abandoning your energy-saving schedule.

For example, if you are away on holiday, you can put the house into permanent hold so the house is kept on a constant, energy-saving temperature. This will prevent your HVAC system from constantly cycling on and off while you are away.

  1. It Fosters Comfort

There is nothing more unpleasant than being too hot or too cold in your own home. The “Hold” mode gives you control over how comfortable you feel if your preset setting is not working to your advantage.

I remember one winter evening when I had guests to a dinner party. My thermostat was set to drop the temperature by 8 p.m., believing I would be getting ready to retire to bed. With guests in the house, however, I needed it to be cozy. The hold, brief as it was, saved the evening, and maybe friendships too!

3. It is Flexible and Convenient

No matter if you are an animal of routine or one whose daily routine is turned upside down, the “Hold” button is there to help. It is a backup to your thermostat.

If you’ve questioned what does hold mean on thermostat  just remember: it’s your best buddy in times when things do not work as they should.

Relatable Examples When to Use “Hold”

When to use “Hold”

Let’s make it more realistic by looking at a couple of real-world examples:

  • The Surprise Day Off

You have a snow day, and rather than coming into the office, you work from home. Your thermostat is programmed to cut heating during worktime to save energy, but you will not have to shiver as you reply to emails. An on-demand hold lets you keep yourself comfortable without breaking your schedule.

  • Vacation Mode

You are going out of town for a week. Instead of setting your thermostat to its regular cycle, you set it to constant temperature, i.e., 55°F in winter to prevent pipes from freezing.

  • The Dinner Party

You have visitors coming to share a cozy evening meal, and your thermostat is set to lower the temperature by 8 p.m. An automatic hold maintains your visitors’ comfort without the inconvenience of having to reprogram.

Tips on Using the “Hold” Function Wisely

Before you start mashing buttons as a thermostat ninja, keep the following in mind:

1.Minimize Excessive Permanent Holds

As tempting as it is to put a hold and forget, doing so will leave you with higher bills. Wherever possible, use holds that are temporary.

2. Adhere to the manufacturer’s guidelines

The basic “Hold” concepts are similar on most thermostats, but there is variation by manufacturer and model. Spend a few minutes reading the manual, it is worth it.

3.Resetting Using the “Run” Button 

If you have been testing holds and everything is out of balance, your “Run” button is your friend. The “Run” button is the quickest way to bring your thermostat into balance. 

4.Consider Your Schedule 

If you find yourself constantly having to use the “Hold” option, it is most likely time to alter your scheduled times. Scheduling them to fit your daily routine will save you time and effort in the long run. 

My own “Hold” Button Experience 

I wasn’t the thermostat whisperer I am today, I confess. In all honesty, I spent the first winter in my house constantly fiddling with the thermostat, trying to achieve that perfect balance between comfort and efficiency. 

One afternoon, a friend caught on to my frustration and asked, “Why don’t you just use the ‘Hold’ button?” That one piece of advice turned everything around. Once I knew how to use it, I felt as if I had opened a door to thermostat mastery. 

The “Hold” button and I have been best friends ever since. Whether I’m snuggling on a cold night or cooling the house during an impromptu heatwave, I’ve got the “Hold” mode down to a tee. And believe me, once you get the hang of it, so will you.  

Key Takings:

  • The “Hold” button on a thermostat may be so tiny, so insignificant, but it’s an incredibly valuable tool when it comes to managing your home’s temperature, comfort, and efficiency. 
  • Have you ever asked yourself what does hold mean on thermostat, and you’ll find that it’s your key to flexibility and control. 
  • So the next time you find yourself staring at that little button, don’t be intimidated. 
  • Whether you are putting a temporary hold on a lazy afternoon or a permanent hold on a week’s holiday, you have nothing to lose. And if all else is lost, just remember: the “Run” button is there to come to the rescue. 
  • Good fortune and happy cozy and energy-efficient thermostat journeys!

Additional Resources:

  1. Gene May Heating & Cooling: This article explains the purpose of the “Hold” button, detailing how it allows users to maintain a specific temperature temporarily, overriding programmed settings.
  2. Blue Water Climate Control: This resource delves into the “Hold” feature, discussing its various modes, Temporary Hold, Permanent Hold, and Vacation Hold, and how they can be utilized for different scenarios.
  3. Hopkins Air Conditioning: This article discusses the “Hold” and “Run” buttons on thermostats, explaining how to use these features to override or resume programmed temperature settings.
  4. Trane®: This page provides insights into the “Hold” function, differentiating between temporary and permanent holds, and offers guidance on when to use each to optimize energy efficiency.

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